The Massive Iron 5x5 Workout by Steve Shaw
This is not your typical cookie-cutter 5x5 program. The Massive Iron 5x5 offers:
- A more flexible schedule.
- A quality combination of frequency and volume.
- Body part balance.
You can perform this program using a flexible schedule. Simply rotate between the workouts and lift when you have time. This is an excellent option for those of you that can sometimes train four times per week and occasionally only twice a week.
The Massive Iron 5x5 can also be run as a 3-day or 4-day plan. Make sure to ALWAYS include a day of rest before deadlifts (Posterior B). You want your biceps rested before your pulling day.
Ask a Question-
Where would you put close grip bench as a strength exercise variation vs the skull destroyer pump work? I really like cg bench
I would alternate it every other session with destroyers.
How do you recommend I warm up on 5x5 sets? What rep and percentage sceme should I use?
If I cam starting at 200 pounds, for example, a reasonable warrm-up would look something like:
Bar x 10
185x2 -
Hello, on a 3 times per week schedule, how long will each session last? (I usually rest 2-3 minutes between sets). Is it possible to get away with 1 hour sessions? keep up the good work and Best regards!
Typically 75 minutes. To get workouts to an hour you might need to drop a set here and there from exercises.
Hi Steve can this be done just with dumbbells, a bench and a barbell?
Absolutely. You may need a few swaps but most of my programs revolve around barbell, dumbbell, and bodyweight.
What starting weight would you recommend based on a 1RM ? Thank you.
77.5% of your max is a good, safe place to start.