Submit a Question

Thanks for reaching out. My Instagram DM box is hard to manage and this is an easier way for me to answer questions. There are two options:

Option 1 - NO CHARGE - Submit your question below and I'll respond via email as soon as possible. Make sure to include pictures, screenshots, or videos if required.

For OPTION #1, please keep questions as streamlined as possible. I'm unable to build diets, workouts, etc. because of the time constraints but am happy to help with general questions.

Option 2 -  $14.99 - If you prefer a video response this is a good choice. I'll dive into the details as much as possible. This is a good option for questions that aren't always easy to answer in a sentence or two, such as:

  • How does my form look?
  • Should I bulk or cut?
  • I'm stalling on bench and this is my program. What do you think?

Videos will be delivered typically within 5 days and sent via email. To order this service go here: VIDEO: Submit a QUESTION. Once you purchase this service PLEASE SUBMIT THE FORM ON THIS PAGE and let me know you purchased the service. Thanks!